SAP Data Archiving

SAP Data Archiving

Resolve memory space & performance problems caused by large volumes of transaction data, ensure that data growth remains under control in the long term. Warrant that statutory data retention rules are observed; and ensure the re-usability of data.


What is SAP Data Archiving?

Process where a large volume of data is cleaned from the system which has not been used for a long time.

SAP AG highly recommends this process of data archiving to clean up the SAP standard tables, to improve the system performance as well as usability SAP data archiving also ensures shorter response times.

Possible Developments



In-depth analyses of the designated SAP system(s) using bespoke analytical tools with the objective to gain a clear picture of the SAP data archiving task at hand.




Best practice recommendations in regards to data archiving objects as well as, for instance, estimations as to the computing space gained.



Purging SAP data

Guidance and practical instruction in regards to the purging of the SAP system through the removal of unnecessary system data.


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+420 776 434 884

Czechia, Prague